1-Day Bhutan Family Adventure: Shopping, Dining, Nightlife


1 days

Buddha Dordenma statue in Thimphu
An old woman spinning prayer wheels in Thimphu
Yak in the Himalayas
Statues of goddesses with Himalayan peaks in the background
A monk dressed in a red robe walking around Punakha Dzong

About Bhutan

Bhutan, the "Land of the Thunder Dragon," is a mesmerizing Himalayan kingdom known for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and spiritual serenity. This untouched paradise offers a unique blend of ancient and modern, where centuries-old fortresses and monasteries coexist with vibrant festivals and a sustainable approach to tourism. Experience the awe-inspiring Tiger's Nest Monastery, perched on a cliff, or the bustling markets of Thimphu, Bhutan's capital. Explore the verdant valleys of Punakha, hike through the pristine forests of Phobjikha, or immerse yourself in the spiritual tranquility of Bumthang. Bhutan's commitment to preserving its traditions and environment makes it a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique, off-the-beaten-path experience.

1-Day Itinerary

Day 1

Exploring Thimphu: Local Market, Traditional Cuisine, Textile Museum, Craft Bazaar, and Cultural Performance


Start your day with a visit to the vibrant Centenary Farmers Market in Thimphu. This bustling market is a great place to experience the local culture, buy fresh produce and try traditional Bhutanese food. It's a great place for families to explore and get a taste of local life.


Enjoy a traditional Bhutanese lunch at a local restaurant. Bhutanese cuisine is known for its spiciness, with dishes often featuring red and green chillies. Try the national dish, Ema Datshi, a spicy mix of chillies and local cheese.


After lunch, take a tour of the National Textile Museum to learn about Bhutan's rich textile heritage. Then, head to the local craft bazaar for some shopping. Here, you can find a wide range of handcrafted goods, from traditional Bhutanese clothing to intricate jewellery.


For dinner, enjoy a meal at a local restaurant serving Bhutanese cuisine. Try some local wine to accompany your meal. Bhutanese wine is made from locally grown fruits and is known for its unique taste.


End your day with a visit to a Local Performance. Bhutan has a rich tradition of dance and music, and watching a live performance is a great way to experience this. Alternatively, you can explore the nightlife in Thimphu, which offers a mix of traditional and modern entertainment options.

Attractions in Itinerary (3)

Centenary Farmers Market

Centenary Farmers Market

The Centenary Farmers Market is a bustling market in Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan. It is the largest domestic market for the farmers in Bhutan. You can find a wide variety of local produce, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and spices. It is also a great place to experience the local culture and lifestyle.

Food and Drink
National Textile Museum

National Textile Museum

The National Textile Museum is located in the capital city of Thimphu and is dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich textile traditions of Bhutan. The museum showcases a wide range of beautiful Bhutanese textiles including the royal collection, which features garments worn by Bhutan's Kings and Queens.

Cultural Experiences
Local Performance

Local Performance

Experience Bhutan's rich culture and traditions through music, dance, and theater performances by local artists.

Cultural Experiences

Local Food and Drinks (12)

Ema Datshi

Ema Datshi

Ema Datshi is Bhutan's national dish. It's a spicy mix of chillies and the delicious local cheese known as Datshi. The dish is a staple of nearly every meal and can be found throughout the country.

Jasha Maru

Jasha Maru

Jasha Maru is a spicy chicken dish, usually served with rice. It is made with diced chicken, tomatoes, garlic, ginger, and chillies. This dish is a common part of Bhutanese cuisine.

Phaksha Paa

Phaksha Paa is a pork dish made with spicy red chillies. This dish also includes Radishes or Spinach, and sometimes dried pork is used instead of fresh pork.

Red Rice

Red Rice

Red Rice is a staple of Bhutanese cuisine, grown in the Eastern part of the country. It's a medium-grain rice, similar to brown rice in texture, with a slightly nutty taste.


Momos are South Asian dumplings native to Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Indian region of Sikkim. They are usually filled with meat or cheese and served with a spicy sauce.

Shakam Paa

Shakam Paa is a dried beef dish cooked with chillies and radishes. It's a popular dish in Bhutan and is often served with red rice.



Suja is a Bhutanese butter tea. It's made from tea leaves, water, salt, and yak butter. It's a common drink in Bhutan, especially during the cold winter months.


Ara is a traditional alcoholic beverage in Bhutan. It's made from fermented rice, maize, millet, or wheat, and is often served warm.

Jaju Soup

Jaju soup is a traditional Bhutanese soup made with vegetables and cheese. It's a common part of meals in Bhutan.

Kewa Datshi

Kewa Datshi is a popular Bhutanese dish made from potatoes, cheese, and chillies. It's similar to Ema Datshi, but with potatoes instead of chillies.

Zow Shungo

Zow Shungo is a Bhutanese dish made from leftover vegetables and red rice. It's a common dish in Bhutan, especially among the rural population.


Khur-le is a traditional Bhutanese breakfast food. It's a type of pancake made from buckwheat, and is often served with Ema Datshi.

Best time to visit

The best time to visit Bhutan as a tourist is during the spring months of March to May when the valleys come alive with flowers in bloom. The autumn months from September to November are also ideal as the weather is clear and sunny with some of the most popular festivals taking place during this time. These seasons offer the most vibrant experiences and the most comfortable weather for exploring Bhutan's stunning landscapes and rich culture.

National holidays

Here you can find the national calendar of all public holidays for the year. These dates are subject to change as official changes are announced, so check back regularly for updates.

DateDayHoliday Name

January 3


Winter Solstice (Nyilo)

January 12


Traditional Day of Offerings

February 10


Losar (New Year)

February 11


Losar Holiday

February 21


King's Birthday

February 22


King's Birthday Holiday

February 23


King's Birthday Holiday

April 18


Death Anniversary of Zhabdrung (Zhabdrung Kuchoe)

May 2


Birth Anniversary of Third Druk Gyalpo

May 23


Buddha's Parinirvana

June 16


Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche

July 10


Buddha's First Sermon

September 22


Blessed Rainy Day

October 12



November 1


King Jigme Khesar Namgyel's Coronation

November 11


Birth Anniversary of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo

November 22


Descending Day of Lord Buddha

December 17


National Day

Please note that during national and public holidays, opening hours for establishments, museums, etc. may vary. Don't forget to check in advance!

How to get around

Bhutan's only international airport is in Paro. Druk Air and Bhutan Airlines are the only airlines that operate flights in and out of Bhutan. Flights are available from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Thailand.

Private cars are the most common way for tourists to get around Bhutan. You can hire a car with a driver who also often acts as a guide. This is usually arranged by your tour operator.

Taxis are available in major towns like Thimphu and Paro. They do not have meters, so you will need to negotiate the fare before your journey.

Bhutan has a network of public buses that connect major towns. However, these buses can be crowded and are not always reliable.

Ridesharing services are not common in Bhutan. Most people prefer to use taxis or hire private cars.

Bhutan is a great place for cycling with its beautiful landscapes. You can rent a bicycle in towns like Thimphu and Paro.

Trekking is a popular activity in Bhutan. There are numerous trekking routes that allow you to explore the country's stunning natural beauty.

In some remote areas of Bhutan, you can travel by horseback. This is a unique way to see the country's rural landscapes and is often included in trekking tours.

While we strive for accuracy in our "How to get around" section, the information may not always be up-to-date or 100% accurate; we highly recommend cross-checking with local resources before your travel.

Important information

Currency BTN

Time zoneUTC+6

Driving sideLeft

Emergency phoneAmbulance: 110; Fire: 112; Police: 113

Drinking waterOpt for bottled water

Power sockets

Power socket type CPower socket type DPower socket type G

Voltage230 V

Things to know about Bhutan as a first time visitor


Bhutan is the only country in the world that is carbon negative, which means it absorbs more CO2 than it produces.


Bhutan's currency is the Ngultrum (BTN). The Indian Rupee is also accepted in most places.


Bhutan is a Buddhist country and the locals are very respectful of their traditions. As a visitor, you should also respect their customs.


Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. Shoulders and knees should be covered.


Bhutanese people speak Dzongkha, but English is widely spoken and understood.


Bhutan has a strict 'High Value, Low Impact' tourism policy. This means you must book your trip through a Bhutanese tour operator or one of their international partners.


The Bhutanese government has implemented a mandatory daily tariff for tourists. This covers accommodation, food, transport and an official guide.


Bhutan is not a budget destination. The minimum daily package for tourists is $200 during low season and $250 during high season.


Tipping is not a common practice in Bhutan, but it is appreciated.


The food in Bhutan is spicy. The national dish, Ema Datshi, is a spicy mix of chilies and local cheese.


Bhutan is a safe country to visit with a low crime rate. However, it's always important to take standard travel precautions.


The country has a strict no smoking policy. Selling and buying of tobacco is banned.


Bhutan uses the type D, F, and G plug. The standard voltage is 230 V, and the standard frequency is 50 Hz.


The weather in Bhutan varies greatly depending on the season. The summer months (June - August) can be quite hot with temperatures reaching up to 86°F (30°C), while winter months (December - February) can be very cold with temperatures dropping to 23°F (-5°C).


Bhutan is in the Bhutan Time zone, which is 6 hours ahead of GMT.


Internet access is available in most parts of Bhutan, but the speed may not be as fast as you're used to.


Bhutan has a rich culture and you'll often see festivals (Tshechus) taking place. However, it's important to behave respectfully during these events.


Bhutan has a lot of stray dogs. They are generally harmless, but it's best to avoid them.


Bhutan is a mountainous country, so be prepared for lots of hiking and climbing. Make sure to bring appropriate footwear.


Altitude sickness can be a problem for some visitors. It's recommended to acclimatize yourself to the high altitude before undertaking any strenuous activities.

Basic Dzongkha to know as a first time visitor

English phrase

Native phrase


When to use it









Thank you

Kadrin chhe

Ka-drin chhe

Expressing gratitude




Affirmative response




Negative response




Making a request


Thuji che

Thu-ji che


I don't understand

Nga mi sonam

Nga mi so-nam

When you don't understand something

Where is the toilet?

Chhabsang ga chi mo?

Chhab-sang ga chi mo

Asking for directions


Thu encho gi

Thu en-cho gi

In emergencies




When you're hungry




When you're thirsty









How much?

Ga dem chi mo?

Ga dem chi mo

Asking for price

I am lost

Nga thar song

Nga thar song

When you're lost

Where is...?

...ga chi mo?

...ga chi mo

Asking for directions

What is your name?

Chhoe gi ming ga chi mo?

Chhoe gi ming ga chi mo

Starting a conversation

My name is...

Nga gi ming ... in

Nga gi ming ... in

Introducing yourself

I need a doctor

Nga la menpa ngado

Nga la men-pa nga-do

In case of health issues

Packing List

  • Clothing

  • Comfortable walking shoes

  • Lightweight clothing

  • Warm sweater or jacket

  • Rain jacket or umbrella

  • Sunglasses

  • Hat for sun protection

  • Toiletries

  • Travel-size toothpaste

  • Toothbrush

  • Travel-size shampoo and conditioner

  • Deodorant

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Sunscreen

  • Prescription medications

  • First-aid kit

  • Travel documents and essentials

  • Passport

  • Visa

  • Travel insurance documents

  • Emergency contact information

  • Hotel reservation details

  • Local currency (Bhutanese ngultrum)

  • Electronics and gadgets

  • Smartphone

  • Charger for smartphone

  • Universal travel adapter

  • Camera

  • Extra memory card for camera

  • Portable power bank

  • Miscellaneous items

  • Snacks

  • Water bottle

  • Travel guidebook for Bhutan

  • Map of Bhutan

  • Notebook and pen

  • Travel pillow

  • Earplugs and eye mask

Weather Conditions

Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon, experiences a wide range of weather conditions due to its diverse topography. The country is known for its dramatic landscapes, from subtropical plains to steep mountains and valleys. The best time to visit Bhutan is during the spring months of March to May when the weather is generally clear and dry, and the highlands are awash with blooming wildflowers. The average temperature during this time ranges from 50°F to 70°F (10°C to 21°C). This is also the time when the famous Paro Tshechu festival takes place, offering a great cultural experience. The monsoon season, from June to September, brings heavy rainfall, especially in the southern region. While the landscapes are lush and green, the downpours can make trekking and sightseeing difficult. The temperatures during this season range from 60°F to 80°F (15°C to 27°C). Autumn, from October to November, is another ideal time to visit Bhutan. The weather is mild and the skies are clear, providing excellent conditions for trekking and for viewing the Himalayan peaks. The temperatures during this season range from 50°F to 70°F (10°C to 21°C). Winter, from December to February, can be quite cold, especially in the mountains where temperatures can drop below freezing. However, the lower areas remain pleasant with temperatures ranging from 45°F to 60°F (7°C to 15°C). This is a great time to visit for bird watching as many migratory birds visit Bhutan during this period. Regardless of when you visit, it's advisable to pack layers as temperatures can vary greatly between day and night. Also, carry rain gear if you're visiting during the monsoon season. Always check the local weather forecast before planning your day's activities, especially if they involve trekking or other outdoor adventures.

MonthHi / Lo (°C)Weather Overview


10° / -5°

January is the coldest month in Bhutan, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. It's a great time for tourists who enjoy winter sports and serene, snowy landscapes.


12° / -2°

In February, the weather begins to warm up slightly, but it's still quite chilly. This month is perfect for those who want to avoid crowds and enjoy peaceful sightseeing.


15° / 2°

March sees the start of spring in Bhutan, with temperatures rising and flowers beginning to bloom. It's an ideal time for hiking and exploring the natural beauty of the country.


20° / 7°

April is a pleasant month with moderate temperatures, making it perfect for outdoor activities. The valleys are lush and the mountains are covered in rhododendrons.


22° / 10°

May is warm and the countryside is vibrant with greenery. It's a great time for bird watching and trekking, but be prepared for occasional showers.


25° / 15°

June marks the beginning of the monsoon season in Bhutan. While there might be some rain, the landscapes are incredibly lush and vibrant.


25° / 15°

July is in the middle of the monsoon season, so expect heavy rains. However, the rain brings out the beauty of the flora and fauna, making it a unique time to visit.


25° / 15°

August continues to be rainy, but the temperatures are warm. It's a good time to visit if you don't mind the rain and enjoy lush, green landscapes.


22° / 10°

September sees the end of the monsoon season. The weather is pleasant and the landscapes are still lush, making it a great time for trekking and sightseeing.


20° / 7°

October is one of the best months to visit Bhutan. The weather is cool and dry, and it's a great time to witness the vibrant festivals of the country.


15° / 2°

November is cool and dry, with clear skies offering great views of the mountains. It's a good time for trekking and exploring the cultural sites of Bhutan.


12° / -2°

December is a chilly month, but it's also a festive time in Bhutan. It's a great time to experience the local culture and traditions, but pack warm clothes.

Did you know?

Did you know that Bhutan is the only country in the world to measure its success in Gross National Happiness rather than Gross Domestic Product?

1 of 10

Places near by Bhutan



Famous for its tea gardens and the view of the Kanchenjunga peak.

155 km / 96.3 mi
How to get there


Known for its tea gardens and the Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary.

155 km / 96.3 mi
How to get there


Known for the Kamakhya Temple and the Brahmaputra river.

401 km / 249.2 mi
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The capital city of Nepal known for its rich history and culture.

675 km / 419.4 mi
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Cultural capital of India, known for its colonial architecture.

675 km / 419.4 mi
How to get there


Known for its living root bridges and heavy rainfall.

550 km / 341.8 mi
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The capital city of Bangladesh known for its vibrant street life.

495 km / 307.6 mi
How to get there
New Jalpaiguri

New Jalpaiguri

Gateway to the Northeast India, known for its tea gardens.

157 km / 97.6 mi
How to get there